
Lesson Nine

Biological Pest Control 9-1


Beet Armyworm

The beet armyworm is a major pest of fresh market
tomatoes. Each larvae may damage several fruit,
leaving shallow gouges that make the fruit unmar-
ketable. Newly hatched larvae feed together near
the egg cluster and gradually disperse as they grow. 
They skeletonize leaves and may leave a webbing
on the feeding site. Older larvae chew irregular pieces from leaves and feed on green fruit.

Beet Annyworm

Beet armyworm eggs are laid in clusters covered with hair-like scales left by the female moth. 
There may be 100 or more per cluster. Larvae are usually dull green with many fine, wavy, 
light colored stripes down the back and a broader stripe along each side. The adult beet army- 
worms are smooth skinned, without any obvious hairs.

Biological control 

Hyposoter exiguae

This parasitic wasp is a natural enemy of beet armyworms. It
also attacks tomato fruit worms and cabbage loppers. The hypo-
soter exiguae
usually kills the larvae in the third instars and gen-
erally has its greatest impact early in the season.

Hyposoter exiguae