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Lesson Nine |
Biological Pest Control 9-6 |
Leaf Miners
Leaf Miners are a major problem for many crops. The larvae form tunnels in the leaves of the plant. This may lead to desiccation and early leaf loss. The loss of chlorophyll may result in severe reduc- tions in yields. |
Leaf Miner adults are small black and yellow flies. Leaf Miners eggs are inserted in leaves and larvae feed between leaf surfaces, creat- ing a meandering track or "mine." At high population levels, entire leaves may be cov- ered with these tracks. Mature larvae leave the tracks, dropping to the ground to pupate. This life cycle takes only 2 weeks in warm weather. |
Biological Control
Dacnusa sibirica and Diglyphus isaea
These parasitic wasps lay their eggs in or near leaf miner larvae. The young parasite larvae
hatch from these eggs and begin to feed on their host, internally if Dacnusa and externally
if Diglyphus. Eventually a new parasite adult emerges to continue the work of its predecessors.